Food Drive

Food Drive
4/1/2024 4/5/2024

Whoever raises the most points in the high school and the 6th, 7th and 8th grades will receive a pizza lunch for their class. Points papers are posted around the school and your 1st period teacher also has them. You are turning your cans into your 1st period class except 6th grade will turn them in to your homeroom. 
To help the food pantry fulfill more items that they are running low on, there is a point system. See the points system below. Everything else will be one point if it is not listed.
Let’s help out our community and try to get big numbers of donations this year!!! 

Point Values for Food Drive:

Canned Fruit- 3 pts
Diced Tomatoes- 1pt
Tomato Sauces- small cans-1 pt, larger- 3 pts
Soups- small cans-1 pt, larger- 3 pts
Cake Mixes- 2 pts
Canned Meat- 5 oz or less 1pt and higher 3 pt per can
Ravioli- 1 pt
Spaghettios- 1pt
Pork n beans-3 pts
Veggies- Carrots-3 pts
Potato-3 pts
Green Beans- 3 pts
Corn-1 pt
Beans- 1 pt
Pasta noodles- 2 pts
Ramen- 4 for 1pt. 
Instant Mashed Potatoes- cups 2 for 1pt, bags and boxes- 3pt.
Mac n Cheese- cups 2 for 1pt, Boxes- 2 pts
Hamburger helper- 3 pts
Peanut butter- large jars- 3 pts, small 1 pt
Hygiene- 2 pts
Individual serving sizes- 4 for 1 pt
All other items- 1 pt

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